"Animation is imagination, brought to life by the artist. Animation has saved my life and it's much more than the illusion of life, for the audience...it is life!"- (Kyle Femath)

My name is Kyle Femath, animation has always been my passion and I always told myself if I lived through Afghanistan, I would pursue my dreams and make them a reality! I can not wait to be a part of a unit or team again and start learning from one another to get the mission accomplished!!

Even as a kid I was a very animated individual always trying to tell people funny stories and trying to make them laugh! This outgoing nature would help later in life, especially when I started going to acting camps as a kid and performing in plays.
I was Honorably Discharged from my 1-41 Infantry Battalion as an E-5/ Sergeant: on December 5th, 2012. One Deployment, to Afghanistan for one year as Alpha Team leader: Fighting Taliban fighters and expiring them around our area of operation. One Year in South Korea receiving my cold weather training and shooting Top Gun of my Entire Battalion, with my M249 SAW Light Machine Gun.

Currently, I just graduated with the Animation Mentor class of 2022 and now I'm an Animation Mentor Alumni. What an honor it was to learn from various Animation Mentors from across the world sharing their animation passion and knowledge with all of us. It was a thrill to work with new teams each term and motivate each other and grow as artists in ways we never thought were possible!
I can't wait to learn more about this magical process called Character Animation! Always a student and always learning from this beautiful art form. I graduated from the University Of Texas At Dallas, but the missions don't stop there. I'm on a mission to become a character animator. Never give up on yourself, because others won't hesitate to. We must be grateful for each day and humble to one another!

My parents got divorced when I was at a young age. The animation was a fantasy realm I could slip into to get away for a while and not deal with the realities of the world, even if for just a moment.

In the words of Walt Disney,- "All our dreams can come true If we have the courage to pursue them." Not only do I have the courage, but I have the determination to become a great animator!

They say the best animators have actually seen the world and lived. Well, I can safely say I have done things that most people will never have to conduct in their entire lifetime. I chose the call of duty, so others will never have to and future generations can live in peace. Our freedom is not free and it will always have a cost. Freedom isn't free, many of my brothers gave everything for our way of life.

After a long 8 years of college, I can finally put a bow on this big chapter of my life. I did it for my brothers in arms, who no longer have their life and gave the ultimate sacrifice for ours. I did it for hundreds and thousands of soldiers, who fought for our freedom and died for our way of life in the past. Soldiers I will never know and names that have been lost throughout our history. Straight and Stalwart fallen comrades. Every day we wake up and take a breath of air we must be grateful…We must never forget freedom isn’t free. Your deaths won’t be in vain.
PFC. Jalfred D. Vaquerano
PFC. Neil I. Turner
SSG. Roberto Loeza
SFC. Clark A. Corley
PFC. Jalfred D. Vaquerano
PFC. Neil I. Turner
SSG. Roberto Loeza
SFC. Clark A. Corley

When I walked across the stage I conducted a left face as promised, then held a salute for you brothers. I hope just for a fraction of a second…I was able to remind others of your ultimate sacrifice. Your deaths will never be in vain. Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice, I pray each day I'm living a life worth living in y'alls Honor Brothers.
I have Three Degrees: One Bachelors Degree In Arts and Technology and Emerging Communication with an emphasis in Character Animation. The other Two are Associates' Degrees: one in Arts and Technology and emerging communication & the other is in Applied Science.

“At a certain point in life, it can't just be about You...The moment we understand that life is a blessing and life is a gift, and if we were to check out today: how would you want to be remembered? It’s Bigger than you!” – (Inky Johnson)

I made it my mission in life to never give up and pursue my dreams! To always find a way to lift others up and walk in a positive light. Life is very precious and I witness this first hand in War. Life is too short and there is no time to waste!

I can't wait until I can finally provide for my future wife and family! I hope one day they can see the sacrifices I made and be proud of me. We must never give up, no matter the obstacle that stands in our path! Many people give up on their dreams, but it's all that we have. We must keep fighting for our dreams and loving the process. If we fall that's ok, we must remember our Why? And find the courage in ourselves to get up and execute again.
It's okay to fail, but if we don't get up and keep trying that's where it becomes an issue. If we fall down seven times, we must stand and get up eight. Always striving to do better next time and holding to our dreams, help make who we are.

Animation has always had a special place in my heart from an early age. I could go to another reality where pain and the truths of my world were hidden for a fraction of a moment in time. A place where I could imagine the impossible and be inspired until this very day.
We must never forget why we started the mission in the first place! Even after the United States Army and the War. My passion for animation was unshaken by the evil from combat, I had to fight to survive, and drawing in my notebooks would help me get away for a moment. I would Look into the starry nights for hope and imagine if I would survive this war, and what I would do with my new chance at life.
How humbled and grateful I would be to finally pursue my dreams as a character animator! Maybe one day I could help inspire the next generation or even just another kid like myself...alone, lost, confused, hurting, angry, and needing inspiration.
I'm grateful this art medium even exists and I hope to work with teams to create inspiration and a magical place, where anything is possible and our imaginations can have endless possibilities!

I can't wait to be a part of a team again and an animation family!! I will become an animator one day and spread joy to the world. It's something you can just feel inside and every "no" in my life with this art form is just another step away from a "yes". My passion for this art form...words couldn't even describe, how much it has saved my life. Animation has always been something that helped tapped into my past and I would become that young boy again full of inspiration and hopes! Wearing my heart on my sleeve and falling mesmerized by the character's emotional arcs throughout their performances and the storyline.

Family is everything and I couldn't get enough of all the animation stories and tales about coming together to defeat evil! I would wake up really early every Saturday morning, just to make sure I could watch every cartoon and animation available. I would get lost in a different reality and I loved it! Thank you animation, what a beautiful art form, that truly brings the family together!!

Many have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms! I won't let their deaths or my brother's lifetime injuries be in vain!!
I miss being a part of a team and unit, I cannot wait until I am able to create animation with others & grow with them as artists along the way! Creating inspiration for generations to come!!

We must be grateful we woke up alive and breathing this morning...Life is very precious! We must start treating each day like it is a miracle...because truly that's what it is!

Animation has always inspired and fascinated me. I feel the art of animation and the use of body mechanics to display the illusion of life to the audience...is nothing but magical! I will be a part of a team again: fighting together to accomplish each task and mission at hand!
Growing as artists and learning from each other to make the process as efficient and fun, as possible! We cannot forget to have fun with the process and remember family is everything! I cannot wait until this day is a reality! Never give up, it is possible to make our dreams become a reality! We must first believe in it ourselves before anyone else will. It's worth fighting!! Strength and Honor!!!