☐: Update and Fill Out Profile.
☐: Introduce Yourself to Your Class
☐: Sketch People in your Sketchbook. 1-2 Pages Minimum.
☐: 2D Sketch to 3D Character Pose.

☐: Bouncing Ball Assignment - Sketchbook Planning.
☐: Bouncing Ball Assignment - Animation.
☐: Sketch Poses - Excitement.
☐: 3D Character Pose - Excitement.

☐: Heavy/Light Ball Assignment - Sketchbook Planning.
☐: Heavy/Light Ball Assignment - Animation.
☐: Bouncing Ball Assignment - Animation Revision.

☐: Pendulum Assignment - Sketchbook Planning.
☐: Pendulum Assignment - Animation.
☐: Heavy/Light Ball Assignment - Animation Revision.
☐: Sketch Poses - Devastation.
☐: 3D Character Pose - Devastation.

☐: Overlap Assignment - Sketchbook Planning.
☐: Overlap Assignment - Animation.
☐: Pendulum Assignment - Animation Revision.

☐: Overlap Assignment - Animation Refinement.
☐: Vanilla Walk Assignment - Sketchbook Planning.
☐: Vanilla Walk Assignment - Animation Blocking.
☐: Overlap Assignment - Animation Revision.
☐: Sketch Poses - Physical Strength.
☐: 3D Character Pose - Physical Strength.

☐: Vanilla Walk Assignment - Animation Refinement.
☐: Sketch Poses - Concern.
☐: 3D Character Pose - Concern.

WEEK 10:
☐: Personality Walk Assignment - Sketchbook Planning.
☐: Personality Walk Assignment - Animation Blocking.
☐: Vanilla Walk Assignment - Animation Revision.
☐: Sketch Poses - Exhaustion.
☐: 3D Character Pose - Exhaustion.

WEEK 11:
☐: Personality Walk Assignment - Animation Refinement.
☐: Sketch Poses - Balance.
☐: 3D Character Pose - Balance.

WEEK 12:
☐: Progress Reel: (Due By: Friday)
AN01: ANIMATION BASICS: Progress Reel:
These past 12 weeks have been a complete blur and I have an entire full spiral of notes to prove it. The amount of knowledge I’ve learned and just the overall community has been nothing but inspiring to be in everyone’s presence & a complete honor.
I still have many more classes to go and I can’t wait to gain more knowledge and be able to embed my past into my animation. There were many times where my men and I accepted death in Afghanistan, but that’s how one had to think in combat to survive and push through the chaos.
I don’t do this for myself but for my brothers, who paid the ultimate sacrifice and lost their choice of life. I want to show the world that Infantrymen can also create with their hands, not only destroy. I also want to remind veterans that their life is important and to spread more awareness about veteran suicide/PTSD from War.
Life is very precious and I hope I can inspire people one day with my work! Just like I was inspired as a young boy…watching Toy story and Jungle Book, on repeat. Holding onto the Disney VHS Tapes with a child-like death grip. There was something magical about the animation and I didn’t know it yet, but this would set a path that even a war zone couldn’t rip apart.
Any of us could die at any moment, why not strive to do something we love and pursue our passions? So that we never work a day ever in our life!
I've been blown up, I've been shot, and I’ve had too many close calls to even count. Quite frankly I should be dead and decomposed in the ground by now, but I’m not…and I won’t question it anymore. We are all here for a reason and it has been an honor to learn with everyone & from the Legend Tim Ingersoll!
I’m ready for the next class and to grow with everyone as a team! Strength and Honor!! It’s a Leap of Faith!! To Infinity and Beyond!!!
AN02: Body Mechanics (January 2021)
☐: Progress Reel - Share your progress reel
☐: Sketch Poses - Figures in Motion 01
☐: Two Character Poses - Stella

☐: Full Body Walk - Planning
☐: Full Body Walk - Video Reference
☐: Full Body Walk - Animation Blocking

☐: Full Body Walk - Final Animation
☐: Sketch Poses - Figures in Motion 02
☐: Two Character Poses - Using Stella

☐: Basic Physicality Shot - Planning
☐: Basic Physicality Shot - Video Reference
☐: Sketch Poses - Figures Dancing
☐: Two Character Poses - Stella, or Stewart

☐: Basic Physicality Shot - Blocking
☐: Sketch Poses - Gymnastics
☐: Two Character Poses - Stella, or Stewart

☐: Basic Physicality Shot - Refinement
☐: Sketch Poses - Dynamic Weight
☐: Two Character Poses - Stella, or Stewart

☐: Basic Physicality Shot - Final Animation
☐: Intermediate Physicality Shot - Planning
☐: Intermediate Physicality Shot - Video Reference

☐: Intermediate Physicality Shot - Animation Blocking.
☐: Intermediate Physicality Shot - Animation Continued
WEEK 10:
☐: Intermediate Physicality Shot - Animation Refinement and First Pass Polish
WEEK 11:
☐: Intermediate Physicality Shot - Final Animation
WEEK 12:
☐: Progress Reel: (Due By: Friday)
{Story:} The Toys gather around while they honor, what’s left of their buddy Stan. Somehow Stan got into the neighbor's yard and was tortured and even blown up with a rocket. Sergeant Stewart or ‘Sarge’ manage to get a recovery team together and they were only able to find a few remains.
Sarge had us look very hard for anything that was left and we weren’t leaving until we did. We had to carefully sneak past the humans and even borrow one of the match-boxes they use for fire in the kitchen drawer.
We all gathered around devasted…our good friend Stan gone forever by events we couldn’t control. Never will we be able to play and laugh with Stan. Stan helped save so many Lost Toys' lives...he has no idea, what he has done for all of us.
Sarge gathers us around and once the humans finally leave. We want to pay our final wishes and respects to Stan. Looking around in each other's eyes and we know, this is it…his truly gone.
The trumpet toys began playing and Sarge starts conducting the “About Face” movement and with the highest form of respect, Sarge Salutes Stan and holds it. Sarge holds his salute to remind the other toys his passing wasn’t for nothing and now he lives through all of us.
After Sarge, lowers his salute he goes back into the position of attention and conducts another about-face, keeping his head & eyes straight forward and parallel to the marching surface.
The other toys are devastated at what occurred, but Sarges' actions bring them Hope, Faith, and Strength to fight another day!
{Story:} Stewart finally made it out on his own, after all these years. Some of his past colleagues helped Stewart get his first job, as a Golf Caddy in the PGA Championship. This first job will help Stewart financially sustain him to live on his own initiative. This wasn’t any regular Golf Caddy occupation; Stewart was Working for Tiger Woods!
Stewart was very nervous and didn’t realize how heavy Tigers’ Golf bag would be, until it began to fall endlessly! Stewart had to summon every amount of strength he had to stop the bag from not falling and damaging all of his legendary clubs. During the entire process of the bag falling, Stewart could hear his parents in his head yelling, (“You’re a failure Stewart and you will never go anywhere in life!”)
Almost immediately, Stewart blocks out all these negative thoughts and emotions. I am enough…I can do anything I set my mind to…Stewart begins to repeat this in his head, as the never-ending Golf Bag tumbles to the ground by gravity. All eyes on Stewart as everything felt silent.
Somehow with, every ounce of strength Stewart possessed he managed to stop Tigers Famous Golf Bag and Clubs from hitting the ground, but in Stewarts' mind it was way more than just that. Stewart had to dig down deep in a place where he was brave, courageous, and he had to look past all his fears! This place exists within all of us and we must never give up!
As Stewart stands back up and recollects himself, he gives Tiger Woods the thumbs up and then a point. In his head knowing this golden opportunity that could lead to others if he just doesn’t let his past consume him. Exhausted by the events that just transpired, Stewart looks to the sky and then to the ground afterward.
Thus, sometimes our past can come at us in waves of sorrow, but we must remember we are still breathing! That means there still some fight left in us! No matter how long it takes, no matter how many obstacles stand in Stewarts' way…He remembers to never give up the fight! We must make our dreams a reality, whatever they may be! Because they do matter…If we only just believe!!
AN02: BODY MECHANICS : Progress Reel:
These last 12 weeks have flown by and It was a complete honor learning and growing with everyone! I can't wait to see what we will all do next class!! We must remember to never give up and if we keep going we will all be character animators one day !!
I don’t do this for myself but for my brothers, who paid the ultimate sacrifice and lost their choice of life. I want to show the world that Infantrymen can also create with their hands, not only destroy. I also want to remind veterans that their life is important and to spread more awareness about veteran suicide/PTSD from War.
Life is very precious and I hope I can inspire people one day with my work! Just like I was inspired as a young boy…watching Toy story and Jungle Book, on repeat. Holding onto the Disney VHS Tapes with a child-like death grip. There was something magical about the animation and I didn’t know it yet, but this would set a path that even a war zone couldn’t rip apart.
Any of us could die at any moment, why not strive to do something we love and pursue our passions? So that we never work a day ever in our life!
I've been blown up, I've been shot, and I’ve had too many close calls to even count. Quite frankly I should be dead and decomposed in the ground by now, but I’m not…and I won’t question it anymore. We are all here for a reason and it has been an honor to learn with everyone & from the Legend Mike Gasaway!
I’m ready for the next class and to grow with everyone as a team! Strength and Honor!! It’s a Leap of Faith!! To Infinity and Beyond!!!
AN03: Advanced Body Mechanics (April 2021)
☐: Progress/Demo Reel
☐: Shot 01-03 - Choose Prompt
☐: Shot 01 - Planning Sketches
☐: Shot 01 - Video Reference

☐: Shot 01 - Animation Blocking
☐ Shot 01: Animation Blocking Plus
☐: Shot 01: Animation Refinement
☐: Shot 01: Animation Polish
☐: Shot 01: Animation Final Polish
☐: Shot 02 - Planning Sketches
☐: Shot 02 - Video Reference

☐: Shot 02: Animation Blocking.
☐: Shot 02: Animation Blocking Plus.
☐: Shot 02: Animation Refinement.
WEEK 10:
☐: Shot 02: Animation Polish.
WEEK 11:
☐: Shot 02: Animation Final Polish.
WEEK 12:
☐: Progress Reel: (Due By: Friday)
These last 12 weeks have flown by and It was a complete honor learning and growing with everyone as a Team! I can't wait to see what we will all do next class Intro to Acting. We must remember to never give up!! I don’t do this for myself but for my brothers, who paid the ultimate sacrifice and lost their choice of life. I want to show the world that Infantrymen can also create with their hands, not only destroy. I also want to remind veterans that their life is important and to spread more awareness about veteran suicide/PTSD from War.
If I can inspire even one veteran or person with my mission, and show them that life is worth living…that if they only believe in themselves no matter what it is, anything can happen! We must never lose our faith! Life is very precious and I hope I can inspire people one day with my work! Just like I was inspired as a young boy…watching Toy story and Jungle Book, on repeat. Holding onto the Disney VHS Tapes with a child-like death grip. There was something magical about the animation and I didn’t know it yet, but this would set a path that even a war zone couldn’t rip apart!
Any of us could die at any moment, why not strive to do something we love and pursue our passions? So that we never work a day ever in our life! I've been blown up, I've been shot, and I’ve had too many close calls to even count. Quite frankly I should be dead and decomposed in the ground by now, but I’m not…and I won’t question it anymore.
We are all here for a reason and it has been an honor to learn with everyone & from the Legend Rich Fournier! I’m ready for the next class and to grow with everyone as a team! I will be a professional Character Animator one day and I will be a part of a team again: fighting together to accomplish each task and mission at hand!! I cannot wait until this day is a reality! We can never give up! Let's go the distance!! To Infinity and Beyond!!!
AN04: Intro To Acting (June 2021)

☐: Pantomime Shot - Planning.
☐: Pantomime Shot - Video Reference.
☐: Pantomime Shot - Poses.
☐: Progress Reel.

☐: Pantomime Shot - Blocking.
☐: Pantomime Shot - Animation Refinement.
☐: Pantomime Shot - Final Animation.
☐: Dialogue Shot - Find Three Lines of Dialogue.
☐: Dialogue Shot - Planning.
☐: Dialogue Shot - Video Reference.
☐: Facial Acting - Poses.

☐: Dialogue Shot - Animation Blocking.
☐: Dialogue Shot - Dialogue Breakdown.
☐: Dialogue Shot - Facial Posing.

☐: Dialogue Shot - Animation Blocking Pass 02.
☐: Dialogue Shot - Blocking Plus.
☐: Facial Poses - Maya Posing.
☐: Dialogue Shot - Blocking Plus.
☐: Dialogue Shot - Hand Pose.
WEEK 10:
☐: Dialogue Shot - Polish.
WEEK 11:
☐: Dialogue Shot - Final Animation.
WEEK 12:
☐: Progress Reel: (Due By Friday)
AN04: INTRO TO ACTING: Progress Reel: Animation Mentor (Ryan Vicik)
These last 3 months have flown by and It was a complete honor learning and growing with everyone as a Team! I can't wait to see what we will all do next class Advanced Acting. We must remember to never give up. I don’t do this for myself but for my brothers, who paid the ultimate sacrifice and lost their choice of life. I want to show the world that Infantrymen can also create with their hands, not only destroy. I also want to remind people and veterans that their life is important and to spread more awareness about veteran suicide/PTSD from War. If I can inspire even one veteran or person with my mission and show them that life is worth living…that if they only believe in themselves no matter what it is, anything can happen that would be amazing. We must never lose our faith! Life is very precious, and I hope I can inspire people one day with my animation.
Just like I was inspired as a young boy…watching Toy story and Jungle Book, on repeat. Holding onto the Disney VHS Tapes with a child-like death grip. There was something magical about the animation and I didn’t know it yet, but this would set a path that even a war zone couldn’t rip apart. Any of us could die at any moment, why not strive to do something we love and pursue our passions? So, we can do the things we love and never work a day ever in our life! I've been blown up by an IED, I've been shot, and I’ve had too many close calls to even count. Quite frankly I should be dead and decomposed in the ground by now, but I’m not…and I won’t question it anymore.
We are all here for a reason and it has been an honor to learn with everyone & from such a legendary individual Ryan Vicik. I know you told us in class we should never gush sir, but after fighting the Taliban in the war for that long year of my life. I know today and tomorrow is never promised. I’m humbled and grateful and I hope I can thank you in person one day sir.
I’m ready for the next class and to grow with everyone as a team. We will be professional Character Animators one day and I can’t wait to be a part of a team again: fighting together to accomplish each task and mission at hand! I cannot wait until this day is a reality. I miss growing with others as a team and camaraderie. We can never give up! Let's go the distance!! To Infinity and Beyond!!!
AN05: Advanced Acting (September 2021)
☐: Submit Three Lines of Dialogue for Review
☐: Progress/Demo Reel
☐: Introduction
☐: Progress/Demo Reel
☐: Introduction
☐: Acting Sequence - Planning and Thumbnails.
☐: Acting Sequence - Video Reference.
☐: Acting Sequence - Rough Layout.

☐: Acting Sequence - Rough Blocking.
☐: Facial Poses - Maya Posing.
☐: Acting Sequence - Character Design.

☐: Acting Sequence - Blocking Plus 1 to 2 shots - Submit entire sequence.
☐: Facial Poses - Maya Posing.

☐: Acting Sequence - Blocking Plus Continued 1 to 2 shots - Submit entire sequence.
☐: Facial Poses - Maya Posing.

☐: Acting Sequence - Blocking Plus Continued 1 to 2 shots - Submit entire sequence.
☐: Acting Sequence - Refine Animation 1 to 2 shots - Submit entire sequence.

☐: Acting Sequence - Refine Animation 1 to 2 shots - Submit entire sequence.
☐: Acting Sequence - Animation Polish - Submit entire sequence.
WEEK 10:
☐: Acting Sequence - Animation Polish Continued - Submit entire sequence.
WEEK 11:
☐: Acting Sequence - Final Animation - Submit entire sequence.
WEEK 12:
☐: Progress Reel: (Due By Friday)
AN05: ADVANCED ACTING: Progress Reel: Animation Mentor (Greg Whittaker)
These last 3 months have flown by and It was a complete honor learning and growing with everyone as a Team! I can't wait to see what we will all do in the next and final class Feature Animation Acting and Polish. We must remember to never give up. I don’t do this for myself but for my brothers, who paid the ultimate sacrifice and lost their choice of life. I want to show the world that Infantrymen can also create with their hands, not only destroy. I also want to remind people and veterans that their life is important and to spread more awareness about veteran suicide/PTSD from War. If I can inspire even one veteran or person with my mission and show them that life is worth living…that if they only believe in themselves no matter what it is, anything can happen that would be amazing. We must never lose our faith! Life is very precious, and I hope I can inspire people one day with my animation.
Just like I was inspired as a young boy…watching Toy story and Jungle Book, on repeat. Holding onto the Disney VHS Tapes with a child-like death grip. There was something magical about the animation and I didn’t know it yet, but this would set a path that even a war zone couldn’t rip apart. Any of us could die at any moment, why not strive to do something we love and pursue our passions? So, we can do the things we love and never work a day ever in our life! I've been blown up by an IED, I've been shot, and I’ve had too many close calls to even count. Quite frankly I should be dead and decomposed in the ground by now, but I’m not…and I won’t question it anymore.
We are all here for a reason and it has been an honor to learn with everyone & from such a legendary individual Greg Whittaker. I know you told us in class we should never gush sir, but after fighting the Taliban in the war for that long year of my life. I know today and tomorrow is never promised. I’m humbled and grateful and I hope I can thank you in person one day sir.
I’m ready for the next and last class and to grow with everyone as a team. We will be professional Character Animators one day and I can’t wait to be a part of a team again: fighting together to accomplish each task and mission at hand! I cannot wait until this day is a reality. I miss growing with others as a team and camaraderie. We can never give up! Let's go the distance!! To Infinity and Beyond!!!
AN06: Feature Animation Acting & Polish (January 2022)

☐: Progress/Demo Reel
☐: Introduce Yourself to Your Class